Thursday, January 29, 2015

Hot Spring

A warm sensation began to spread through out Katara's body and she sighed softly as the pain her body began to ease. Before long the pain had completely faded away leaving her feeling whole once again. When she finally woke up she saw that she had been completely healed. Katara looked over at Vicci and smiled when she saw that she had fallen asleep. She moved a lock of hair out of Vicci's face and kissed her on the forehead before easing herself out of the bed. She grabbed a sheet of parchment out of the compartment on the desk and smiled as she began writing a note to her beloved.

My Dearest Vicci:
           You were asleep when I woke up and I didn't want to disturb you...I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to head back to my tent to check on Natalia and Jasper before going to the hot spring so that I can bathe...I love you so much and I long for the day when I can finally show the world that I am yours and yours alone.

Love always,
Your Tara

Katara smiled and gently placed the note beneath Vicci's hand before climbing out of the Vardo. She made her way through the caravan and soon arrived at her tent. She stepped inside and smiled when she saw that both Natalia and Jasper were sleeping in their wolf forms by the entrance. Katara walked past them and went over to her chest of clothes. She pulled out a fresh change of clothes and silently exited the tent. She then walked through the gates of the caravan and trekked through the trees until she reached the cave that housed the hot spring. Katara entered the cave and sat her fresh clothes down before stripping her bloody outfit off. She lowered herself into the water and closed her eyes as the muscles in her back began to ease. 

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