Monday, February 2, 2015

Making a Bond

Katara curled up beside Leilani and began grooming the top of her head as she placed her paw over Leilani's back. She could tell that the little one was scared and wanted to help ease her fear. She nestled closer to the little one and rested her head next to Leilani's. "I'm right here little one...I'm not going anywhere" she stated telepathically as she nudged Leilani's snout with her own.

Releasing the Anger Part 6

Leilani was so confused.  She was going to sprint away from Tara until she saw her shift into a beautiful wolf.  She tilted her head to the side staring into her eyes when she heard her voice in her head.  She laid on all fours whimpering laying her head on her front paws.

Releasing the Anger part 5

Katara knelt down in front of Leilani and gently scratched her behind the ears "It's alright little one...I'm right here" she stated softly and she slowly rose to her feet. Her body began glowing and when the glowing faded she was standing on four paws as a snow white wolf. "You don't have to be afraid little one...I'll be here to help you every step of the way" she responded telepathically as she nudged her snout against Leilani's. 

Releasing the Anger Part 4

Leilani looked at her puzzled and took the stick from her.  She went over to the tree and started whacking it.  At first she just hit it lightly a few times until suddenly she felt a rage build up inside of her and started hitting the tree harder and harder.  She became frightened of the rage that began to release.  As she continued the assault on the tree, she began to scream at her mother.

She suddenly felt a change come over her.  She looked at Katara with fear in her eyes.  She suddenly felt pain throughout her body and changed to a wolf pup.  She padded over to Katara whimpering.

Releasing the Anger Part 3

Katara smiled and helped Leilani out of the vardo "We're going to take a walk in the woods for a bit" she responded as she led Leilani through the caravan to the gates. She led the little one through the gates and smiled as they began walking through the wood. After several minutes of walking they reached a small clearing. Katara grabbed a long smooth stick and handed it to Leilani "Ok sweetheart find a tree and hit it as hard as you can" she stated as she tucked a strand of hair behind the little ones ear.

Releasing the Anger Part 2

Leilani looked over at Tara releasing the tension in her fists.  She wondered if she noticed her anger but not understanding how.  She put a smile on her face as best as she could and walked over to her.  "Alright Tara, where are we going?"  She took her hand squeezing it.

Releasing the Anger

As Katara watched her little family she noticed that Leilani was sitting behind her sister slightly clenching her fists. She sighed softly and crossed her arms as she leaned against the door. "Leilani would you like to go for a walk with me" she questioned as she looked over at her soon-to-be daughter. She had an idea on what would help Leilani but it would only work if the young one was open to it.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Reunion

Victorious opened the door slowly so she could surprise her children of her presence but as she shut the door and entered the vardo a few steps her children toppled her to the ground.  All she could hear was "Mommma!!!  She hugged them tight with tears in her eyes.  "Hello little ones, have you been good for Tara?"  Erma and Jacob both replied at the same time, "Yes Momma we missed ya."  She kissed their cheek as she looked over at the girls smiling wide with tears running down their cheeks.

She got to her feet and hurried over to both of them, "You want to give your stepmom a hug, girls."  They hugged her tight like they had never before.  "Oh I've missed you two.  Are you okay?"  They both replied, "Yes mommy we just missed you and was afraid you would never return."  A frown formed on her face and she knelt down to their level, "Girls, I promised you I would return.  Not even a bear could keep me away from you.  I may not be your real mom but I love you like your are my own girls."  She paused a moment, "Now I know this is hard to hear but I don't think your mom is returning but it's not because of you.  You're mom is not herself or she would return to you so I need you to consider me your real mom.  Katara and I will take care of you like if you were our own so if you ever need to talk about this please come to me no matter the time."

Delillah listened to her mother and the tears just flowed and hung onto Victorious for dear life.  All her hope was now gone.  She finally realized her mother was never to return again.  She sobbed like she had never before.  Lelani just listened and showed no emotion.  She looked at Lelani with a bit of concern but let it go for another time.  She held on to Delillah and rubbed her back.  "It's going to be alright little one.  I will never leave you."

Friday, January 30, 2015


After Katara finished bathing she climbed out of the hot spring and pulled her fresh clothes on. She ran her fingers through her wet hair and exited the cave. She made her way back towards the caravan and arrived at her destination a few minutes later. Katara walked through the gates and smiled as she walked to her tent. She stepped inside and sat her ruined clothes in a pile by the mouth of the tent. She checked on her lycan children once more and then exited the tent. Katara began walking towards Vicci's vardo and giggled when she felt her stomach growl. She shook her head and continued towards her destination. She soon reached her destination and opened the door. When Katara saw that Vicci's vardo was empty she walked to the children's Vardo. She silently opened the door and smiled when she saw Vicci checking on the little ones.

The Panic

As the note fell from her hands and onto the floor, she woke up slowly after having a wonderful dream about her beloved.  She reached her hand over to Katara and felt an empty void.  She sat straight up in a panic.  Where is she?  she thought.  She screamed at the Eagle, "Didn't my healing work?  What did you do with her."  The symbol of the Eagle on her forehead glowed brightly and pulsated upon her forehead.  She paced the room as the anger took control of her.  Suddenly she heard his voice in her head making her stop in her tracks.  "Victorious Cromwell!!! Stop it right now.  Katara is healed.  Go to the bed and look on the floor."  She followed his instruction looking on the floor and found a note.  She read it quickly and smiled.  She sighed in relief.  The glowing faded slowly. "She's alright."

The fear of losing her was so great.  She couldn't lose another one she loved.  Not now, she wasn't ready to lose Katara, not ever.  She sat back on the bed and tried to relax her body.  She got up and went to her children's vardo to check on them.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Hot Spring

A warm sensation began to spread through out Katara's body and she sighed softly as the pain her body began to ease. Before long the pain had completely faded away leaving her feeling whole once again. When she finally woke up she saw that she had been completely healed. Katara looked over at Vicci and smiled when she saw that she had fallen asleep. She moved a lock of hair out of Vicci's face and kissed her on the forehead before easing herself out of the bed. She grabbed a sheet of parchment out of the compartment on the desk and smiled as she began writing a note to her beloved.

My Dearest Vicci:
           You were asleep when I woke up and I didn't want to disturb you...I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to head back to my tent to check on Natalia and Jasper before going to the hot spring so that I can bathe...I love you so much and I long for the day when I can finally show the world that I am yours and yours alone.

Love always,
Your Tara

Katara smiled and gently placed the note beneath Vicci's hand before climbing out of the Vardo. She made her way through the caravan and soon arrived at her tent. She stepped inside and smiled when she saw that both Natalia and Jasper were sleeping in their wolf forms by the entrance. Katara walked past them and went over to her chest of clothes. She pulled out a fresh change of clothes and silently exited the tent. She then walked through the gates of the caravan and trekked through the trees until she reached the cave that housed the hot spring. Katara entered the cave and sat her fresh clothes down before stripping her bloody outfit off. She lowered herself into the water and closed her eyes as the muscles in her back began to ease. 

Healing her Beloved

As she saw and felt Katara pass out, she moved her slightly onto the bed more and laid next to her.  She began to glow brightly and the healing glow enveloped them as if they were one.  She closed her eyes and concentrated on her center where the deepest healing energy was located.  She put her arm around her chest and let the healing take over.

She prayed to the Mages that her beloved would heal and be alright.  She loved her more than anything in this realm and couldn't stand to lose her to a duel.  She cursed, "What was she thinking?  What was Scarlet thinking?"  She trusted Scarlet with her life and had to trust she knew what she was doing.  As the glowing was fading, she got her composure as the anger was prohibiting the healing so she closed her eyes trying to relax and the glow began to increase again.  "Please be alright Katara."

Falling More IN Love

Katara smiled as she looked into her beloveds eyes. She could tell that Vicci was worried and was trying to hide it. She moved a lock of hair out of Vicci's eyes and tenderly caressed her cheek with her thumb. "Yes this is it and I would love it if you could heal me darling" she whispered weakly as she ran her thumb across Vicci's bottom lip. "I love you more than anything in this world Victorious Cromwell" she whispered as a wave of dizziness swept over her. Her vision darkened and she smiled as the darkness overwhelmed her.


A total look of surprise formed on her face as she listened to her.  "You whatYou finished the last trial.  Oh goodness...." A million thoughts ran through her mind.  "So....this is it."  She looked at her uncomfortably.  She began to glow lightly and looked down, "Oh do you need healing love?"

She placed a kiss on her forehead lovingly.  "I love you Katara Delakoi.She tried to conceal her worry as she needed to heal her first.

Worth The Pain

Katara smiled as she looked up at her beloved "I finished the last trial set forth by Kralisi...Now all we have to do is wait" she responded as she wiped away the tear that had fallen from her beloved's eyes. "My pain is worth it just to be able to take you as my wife when the time comes" she whispered as she brought Vicci's hand to her lips and placed a kiss across her beloveds knuckles.

Pain...Unimaginable Pain

Victorious woke up slowly as she felt the touch of her beloved.  She raised her eyebrow sensing pain from her.  Surprisingly she was able to sit up rather quickly and there was no more pain and then she remembered what the Eagle told her.  She smiled wide realizing what he had done.

She looked at Katara curiously, "What's wrong, Tara?"  She sensed her pain and got up from the bed.  She picked her up gently and laid her on the bed.  "What did you do?  I know you are in pain so you better tell me."  A tear fell from her eyes as she felt the pain she was feeling.

After The Duel

Pain radiated through Katara's body as she made her way towards her beloveds Vardo. She knew that Vicci would probably get onto her for not resting after the duel but at the moment her pain didn't matter to her. The only thing that mattered to her was Vicci's health. She held her bruised side and took a deep breath as she finally approached her beloveds Vardo. Katara pulled the door open and eased herself up into her beloveds little home. She moved over to Vicci's side and smiled as she knelt down next to the bed. She ran her fingers through Vicci's hair and saw that she looked better than what she had before. 

"Hello my sweet...I've missed you" Katara whispered softly as she took Vicci's hand into her own and placed a tender kiss across her knuckles.